Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reunion and the life travelogue!

By Sreekumar Raghavan
Life is short and school years are even shorter in the overall journey of life. Many cherish the school memories more as it was our first opportunity to socialize, be released from the comforts of home and parents.

Getting back to much quoted Robert Frost. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, some of us were mere followers, some took the road less travelled and what difference does that make? Life is not a laboratory, sometimes crisis emerges at point blank range, decide now or never.

There was this friend who lost his parents at a young age, gets married to a rich family, makes plenty of money dispensing medicine, ultimately turns to his age-old passion –music. His melody resonates in YouTube, and wherever he goes.  Song is his expression of life.

When Aryans of 1985 reunited on Aug 22, 2015 in Trivandrum
We lost a dear friend who possibly drowned his worries in liquor. Society has no obligation to save anyone unless they are willing to. Life is also about encountering distractions- and how not to get lured.

 I met another who walked out of a relationship thinking it wouldn’t work. Is he happy being alone? Still a few didn’t reach anywhere. Many took the road more frequented- studied, got a job, married…had children…and more predictable things to happen.

How do you assess success and failure in life? Is it money, riches, fame, popularity, having children, their career success? Or is it having good relationships? Success is based on going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm-Churchill.

The reunions are a message- the real value is in relationships, relating with one another and sharing. One kid was seen light heartedly lamenting on Whatsapp taking away her mother’s time. Technology is a binding factor but also a distracting one!

Looking back on a lonely ride back in a train, I wondered where am I in the overall scheme of things- successful, famous, happy, rich, wealthy…? May be I have a bite of everything but the best way to forget this is all is to keep working! Life is not a bed of roses, neither is it full of thorns.

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