Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Try combo dance routines, to keep boredom away!

By Sreekumar Raghavan
It is often said familiarity breeds contempt and this applies to many things in life including fitness and dance routines. Many a time, people simply abandon their walking, jogging, gym workouts mid-way just because it becomes monotonous and becomes just another daily routine.

In a day filled with work, family and social activities it may not be easy to juggle different fitness activities together. However, dance based fitness routines enable trying out different, exciting formats a week , get better results in terms of wellness, calories and overall health.
Prasanth S, Co-Founder and Director of Beats ‘n’ Steps, a dance fitness studio who pioneered this concept  said that although aerobics, Zumba Fitness and bollywood dance follow different steps and styles, they are essentially about music and dance with Zumba workouts being the most tiresome burning out more calories than the rest. Those afraid of falling into a routine and getting bored with dance-fitness routines can try out a combo of Aerobics, Zumba and Bollywood and get better results, he added.

However, he cautioned that fitness enthusiasts should opt for fitness centes that provide quality, licensed instructors in all the three disciplines. 

Aswathy Visweswaran, Co-Founder of Beats ‘n’ Steps pointed out that from a trainer’s perspective it is a challenge to master different routines but Zumba itself is an amalgamation of Merengue, Salsa, Bachata and Regaetton , hence it is good if trainers get additional training in those styles too. “ Hence I am going for Salsa training to further improve my Zumba skills,” she added. However, from a practitioners’s perspective it is great to do different styles to attain wellness and hence the introduction of combo routines.

Aerobics Dance
It is a great way to maintain your body shape and it’s lot of fun too, according to Seema Subodh, Reebok Certified Aerobics trainer at Beats ‘n’ Steps.  It should begin with a warm up, followed by  high impact and a cool down  and it is ideal for kids and teens. Fun, Excitement, music and fitness are the hall marks of Aerobics programme.

Zumba Fitness

Zumba is a intensive workout that last for an hour daily and helps you burn more calories, keep your skin smooth and youthful, according to Aswathy Visweswarn, ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network). It can make amazing changes in your life not only in terms of weight maintenance but help you indulge in your favourite foods without being bothered about counting calories.

Bollywood Dance
The dances are a fusion of traditional and classical Indian dances with the influence of some jazz, hip-hop and modern dance. Timing and Rhythm, engery, and sharp controlled expressive movements are the important elements of Bollywood Dancing!  According to Anupama, accomplished dancer and instructor at Beats ‘n’ Steps, it’s a whole some offering that helps to bring out the dancing talents in you with enjoyable songs and music.

(For details regarding Dance-Fitness combo programs: mailto : prasant4444@yahoo.co.in)

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