Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sin and Salvation- putting good living in perspective

Recently, I had the good fortune to see a drama titled Heaven’ Gates and Hell’s Flames in Kochi directed by an audio-visual professional, Simplicio from Goa and ably assisted by Francesco. About 40 amateur artists from various walk of life participated.

Set amidst the backdrop of Christmas celebrations that recall the birth of Jesus Christ, in simple terms the theme pitted sinning against against doing good deeds and with remembrance of Lord Jesus. Whether it is youngsters indulging in drugs and intoxication, a rich businessman involved in Church activities but not a believer and indulging in sinful or illegal activities, all are destined to flames of Hell while a construction worker indulging in drinking and not looking after his large family suddenly changes his mind and puts full faith in the Lord just before his death in a building crash but the gates of heaven are opened to him.

The underlying theme was to lead a good life serving God and thereby open your pathway to Heaven while the sinners and non-believers are destined to the devils guarding the Hell’s Gates.
There are many interpretations on what constitutes a sin according to various religions.  International Society for Krisna Consciousness (ISKON) puts faith in Krishna or the Supreme as the path to perfection and to be reborn at a higher consciousness level. In ISKON’s teachings, it is said you can eat, drink, enjoy so long as you are fully devoted to Lord Krishna and chant the mantras. What I could understand was that devotion to God mattered irrespective of whether you commit vice or lead a good life.

What is a Sin?
The original sin is Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. There are several sins that could immediately come to mind stealing, adultery, bribing, telling lies, murder, rape, defamation…. Lord Jesus welcomed sinners in his fold and ushered in peace for the suffering and oppressed. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was worried that our jails were dumping yards for criminals but no effort was made to reform them.

Oscar Wilde became controversial in his statements in The Picture of Dorian Gray about sins and temptations. “Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification. Nothing remains then but the recollection of a pleasure or the luxury of a regret. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain. It is in the brain,and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also.”

Not giving respect is not a desirable behavior, so is gratefulness a desirable trait in humans. I believe the idea that sinners will be sent to Hell was just to make every one lead a good life. Or if the theory of transmigration of the soul is to be put in proper context, the thoughts we carry in this iife will be carried over to the next and it becomes the ‘ vasana’ for the body into which it comes back to life again. We have heard of several thieves and murderers turning to preaching or involving in social or charitable activities after serving their jail sentence.

Religion & Government or Judiciary- and their attitude to sins
Religions have stressed the single minded devotion to Lord as the way to salvation and sinners attain salvation when they surrender themselves to God. The Government and Judiciary sees activities as lawful and unlawful and deliver verdicts.

The religious scriptures enlighten us to lead a spiritual life free of guilt, shame, anger, pride and several negative emotions that lead us perhaps to the sins mentioned earier. At a psycho-analysis level more people should move to “ Iam Ok, You are Ok” position in life if they are to respect, love and have sympathy and empathy for fellow beings.

India has by and large been tolerant of religions although it has not created one itself as Hinduism cannot be considered a religion but a way of life. As Sreenarayana Guru, the social reformer of the South indian State of Kerala remarked- We don’t have any relation with any religion. We have not created a religion although we have set up temples as per the wishes of some people. Likewise we are happy to help with such requests if they come from Muslims and Christians. We have left behind caste and religion.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Women and Sex remain the best sellers ever

Recently, accusations were made against senior political leaders in the South Indian state of Kerala of having received sexual favours in turn for granting solar projects. It included the Chief Minister Oomen Chandy, ministers Shibu Baby John, AP Anil Kumar and  legislator Haibi Eden. Saritha S Nair who is at the heart of the controversy denied the allegations made by her former business partner Biju Radhakrishnan before the Solar Panel investigating into the scam that rocked Kerala.

Kiss of Love
The couples who created a storm last year with the Kiss of Love campaign asserting their right to kiss in public and protest against moral policing have now been arrested for child sex trafficking and an online sex racket. Resmi S Nair, a model pointed out that after the fallout of the Kiss of Love campaign, she was being used by her husband to indulge in various sex rackets.

Sex & Women sell
Naturally, enough  the social media, whatsapp, electronic and print media immediately carry and share such stories with prominence because ultimately se and women sell better. In this backdrop, I saw a sensible post from Manu Kappan, my friend, in Face Book.

Here I quote Manu :
Kiss of Love, Prostitution and Moral Policing
Kiss of Love : 10 participants and 1 million spectators and I belong to neither and I can’t be bothered.

Prostituition : Its the oldest profession in the world and will exist as long as the world does. As long as the parties involved are consenting adults, none of my business.

Moral Policing : To put it crudely “morality flows out when someone is not getting it” or simply its a case of sour grapes. When I read the comments of certain people on social media, the only things I can see are sexual depravation and cultural poverty. For them women can never be persons with mind and emotions, but only body parts. The main reason for this cultural poverty is that they lived in a segregated society and only leered at women from a distance. The only thing I want to tell you people is that the minds of the younger generation who grow up mingling with each other are nowhere as dirty as yours.

I agree with some of the observations of Manu but not all. That concerns prostitution and position women occupy in Indian society. I have read the autobiography of some eminent men like distinguished diplomat KPS Menon who himself admits to having gone before marriage for one such adventure to get a feel of it.  I can’t understand how someone can be put to such hardship either because men and even boys need to get a taste of sex first before marriage or want to have a different feel  sharing bed with their wives . It is hard to believe that these women chose the profession willingly. Or is the society thinking how painful or drudgery it could be to undress before several men in their lives without a feeling of love?

And despite the huge market for prostitutes women and girls who lead normal lives are also targeted and Nirbhaya of Delhi, ‘Suryanelli’ girl in Kerala who continue to be harassed but non-sexually are all grim reminders of this.

The other day, I was discussing with a friend- Indian cannot improve if it refuses to change its attitude to women. We have a national pledge that says  India is our country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. And After all a boy or a girl, all come from a women’s womb, conceived taken care and delivered with much pain and risk. Anthropologically, speaking human child birth appears more riskier than others in the animal kingdom because our bi-pedal posture. Hence we should be grateful we were born in the first place. How come that we are not able to make our girls bold, get boys to respect them and acknowledge that they too should be granted liberty just as men?

Sex should be seen as an intimate, consensual affair between two closely known people and which should not be discussed with others. However, when there is an element of force is involved and against the wishes of the woman- that’s when the law has to intervene. However, men are still free to rape their wives, as per a recent court order!

Here is my wish list with respect to women & sex
Decades ago I remmber Sunday magazine carrying a cover story on sex starved Indians. However, with economic growth and perhaps the influence of media, men-women relations have become more liberal & a bit permissive. However, the society continues to grapple with the man-women relationship issue and how it should be defined.

In this backdrop, here is my wishlist on how our attitude to women, girls and sex in general can be changed:

1) People should stop discussing about sex openly or giving undue importance for it in the media.
2) Boys need to be taught at a young age to respect girls and women. They are not objects to be pounced upon,  nudged, beaten or harassed.
3) An effort has to be made to reduce and do away with prostitution. It’s true that many women and girls who were rescued tend to return may be because their minds have become empty enough to think about any other worthwhile profession.
4) Those using social media should ensure that they don’t share or spread pictures, stories that demean women.

(I have published this blog deliberately with out pictures as I don't to want to attract any reader attention based on the graphics or pictures)